Litigation Consulting Services

We are frequently engaged initially in a consulting role to help counsel understand the financial aspects of a case, with the expectation that we will not provide expert testimony. Nonetheless, we approach every case as if we might eventually testify, ensuring that our work papers are meticulously maintained and ready for potential production to the opposing party in the litigation. These consulting services are crucial in a variety of legal contexts, including civil and criminal cases, where financial matters are a focal point.

Our team of highly skilled forensic accountants brings specialized expertise in financial analysis, ensuring a thorough examination of client data. Our team helps to independently quantify economic damages, identify financial misconduct, and reconstruct financial histories, providing a factual basis for legal arguments and settlements. Our commitment is to provide an independent, robust and reliable foundation for your case, with precise and actionable financial insights.

Our expertise not only aids in resolving disputes but also in preventing future litigation by ensuring compliance with financial regulations and standards.