Forensic Accounting Services

Companies of all sizes are at risk of falling victim to fraud. Despite robust controls, determined fraudsters can often find ways to bypass them, causing significant harm to a company’s financial health. Acuitas, Inc. is uniquely equipped to assist in investigating known or suspected fraud and addressing the specific challenges your company faces.

We frequently encounter various types of fraud, including:

  • Management Fraud: Such as “cooking the books.”
  • Occupational Fraud: Involving misuse of position for personal gain.
  • Corruption: Including kickbacks and side deals.



Typically, we are engaged by attorneys to navigate fraud allegations across a range of scenarios. Our forensic accounting services include:

Whistleblower Investigations: We help counsel and clients address whistleblower reports concerning compliance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) that might affect the accuracy of historical financial statements. If necessary, we assist with restating financial statements.

Parallel Investigations: We support counsel in conducting parallel investigations related to governmental inquiries by agencies like the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Department of Justice (DOJ), or other regulatory bodies.

Occupational Fraud Exploration: We investigate claims of employees misusing their positions for personal financial gain, either through in-house or external legal counsel.

Corruption Investigations: We examine allegations of bribes, kickbacks, and other forms of corruption involving external customers or suppliers.

Our extensive experience as auditors and our record of conducting hundreds of fraud investigations that have helped organizations address weaknesses in controls uniquely position Acuitas professionals to investigate allegations and help clients address control deficiencies effectively.