David P. Hoffman, CPA, CFF, CFE

David P. Hoffman is a Managing Director and Shareholder of Acuitas, Inc., an Atlanta CPA firm that practices in forensic accounting and business valuation services.

David provides accounting, business and financial advice to attorneys and their clients related to commercial disputes, civil and criminal litigation and forensic investigations. Previously, David was a Partner with Ernst & Young LLP in its Fraud Investigation and Dispute Services practice. He previously worked in the same field for PricewaterhouseCoopers and its predecessor firm Coopers & Lybrand. David is a co-editor and chapter author of the recently published 5th edition of the Litigation Services Handbook, The Role of the Financial Expert, one of the most commonly referenced texts for certified public accountants and other financial professionals who provide litigation consulting services and who serve as expert witnesses on topics such as damages, lost profits, accounting malpractice and a wide range of related issues.

David serves as consulting expert and expert witness in determining economic damages, such as lost profits in breach of contract disputes, and other forms of damages in business tort claims. He has served as an expert in accounting malpractice cases where he has evaluated issues related to accounting principles and financial reporting practices, generally accepted auditing standards, and other professional standards for CPAs. He has provided opinions on the work of other experts in rebuttal settings and related to Daubert motions associated with requests to exclude testimony of other experts. In the bankruptcy arena, David has provided opinions on damages, fraudulent conveyances, preferences and solvency. Industry experience includes various types of retail and the manufacturing and distribution industries with emphasis on vendor allowances and other interactions between suppliers and retailers. David has extensive experience in the banking industry, having conducted numerous forensic investigations and has provided opinions on lending practices, loan loss reserves, and other accounting and regulatory matters. David has testified in federal and state courts, and in arbitration hearings.

David has led high profile forensic investigations for both public and private companies including independent investigations for boards of directors, internal investigations for management and parallel investigations related to criminal or regulatory matters. David has conducted “shadow investigations” as an extension of financial statement audit teams. In this capacity, he assisted auditors and risk management personnel to evaluate the scope and findings of investigations being conducted at audit clients and to modify auditing procedures when necessary. David is skilled in all aspects of the forensic investigation process including conducting interviews, using advanced data analytic tools, financial analysis and presenting complex findings to interested parties in an easy to understand manner. He has testified about his investigations and is experienced in interacting with regulators and law enforcement agencies such as the SEC, IRS, US Department of Justice and various bank regulatory agencies.

An accounting graduate of the Louisiana State University, David is a CPA licensed in Georgia and is a member of the Georgia Society of CPAs and the American Institute of CPAs, which has also recognized him as a Certified Financial Forensic (CFF). He is also a Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE).

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